Blue Flower

Patient safety

The patient safety course aims to understand the discipline of patient safety and its role in minimizing the incidence and impact of adverse events that
could occur for patients in case of improper patient identification in case of unsafe medication administration which may lead to medication errors or surgeries which may lead to wrong surgeries, improper communication in reporting critical results of diagnostic tests or in handover communication
between healthcare providers, in minimizing Healthcare associated infections and safeguarding patients against fall and all hazardous circumstances  .

Understanding this patient safety discipline will be through learning what are the international patient safety goals dealing with:

-  How patient must be identified.
-  What is meant by effective communication and how handover communication should be done?
- Medication safety and how to make medication use safer and to understand doctor's responsibilities when prescribing a medication and supervising on nurse's provision of medications.
- Main types of adverse events associated with surgical and invasive procedures and how to apply verification processes to ensure that correct patient receives the right procedure at the right time, site and place.
- The extent of the problem of Healthcare associated infections and how to minimize the risks of contamination and reduce Healthcare associated infections.
- The hazards predisposing to patient fall and how to create a process to assess patients at risk for fall and measures that should be implemented to prevent it.
- To recognize the role of being an effective team player of patient safety as a medical student.

This course will be held through discussing a case study and interacting 
together on issues related to patient safety through videos and power point presentations to think and learn how to apply the International patient safety goals that will be learnt on the case study.

Maximum number of students is 30 and it’s a mix of online and face to face course.

Prof. Dr. Rabab Maamoun Salama
Assistant professor of Endemic Infectious diseases and Hepatogastroenterology - Faculty of Medicine- Cairo University Deputy Manager of Quality affairs and risk management  of Thabet Thabet Infectious diseases hospital  - Kasr Al Aini hospitalsCairo University Member of Central Quality Unit of Kasr Al Aini hospitals - Cairo University IRCA certified and registered auditor ISO 9001 2015 TQM-HHMG-LSSBB (American University of Cairo )